Thursday, February 28, 2013

VUB, Educational Benefits, Your Brain on Stress, Sailor & Cat, Sequestration Effects featured an article about the Veterans Upward Bound program at: This is a great summary of our services and a chance for us to remind you that another 8-week session begins March 18th, so contact us if you are a Northern Arizona veteran wanting to jump start your academic career. also reminds veterans who are no longer eligible for their GI Bill education benefits that there are other avenues of educational support at:

A recent study shows that stress actually reduces the ‘grey matter’ in your brain, in the area related to self-control.  The more stress you have, the harder it is for you to handle future stressors – but this vicious cycle can be reversed by changing habits.  This finding has implications, and offers hope, for veterans with PTSD, see the article at:

Here’s a story about a sailor & a shelter cat who found mutual support at:

If you want to know more about the impending sequestration, has an informative summary of potential effects on veterans at:

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