Friday, February 22, 2013

Funny Pet Tricks, Healthmakers, Veterans Educate Faculty, Muscular Dystrophy

Can’t resist a little Friday humor… So, two dogs go into a restaurant, and…well, let me show you what happened next at:

If you are interested in personal wellness or what might improve the health care system, here is a webpage with many opinions from a variety of health practitioners, all in short video format:  Like vitamins, best taken in small doses.

Turnabout: Student veterans get a chance to educate the faculty, see the article at: If you are also a student veteran, it is important that your voice be heard on your campus.  You can join a student veterans club, or honors program, any team, or just speak to your instructors one-to-one during office hours or after class.  They need to hear real stories, not just newsbytes and questionable statistics.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a website full of information and resources, and here’s an interesting highlight about Muscular Dystrophy and one patient’s experience at:  Check out this site if you have questions about environmental hazards, emergency preparedness, healthy living, or current disease statistics.

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