Monday, July 29, 2013

Pat Tillman Scholars, VUB Programs, Job Seeker Tips, 4th Anniversary of Post-9/11 GI Bill, Price of Freedom Virtual Museum

Today’s Video is about the Pat Tillman Foundation scholarship recipients and graduates at their annual Leadership Summit:  Army Ranger, Arizona Hero, ASU graduate, and Arizona Cardinals football player, Pat Tillman, is still giving back to our Veterans through the Foundation his family created after his death in Afghanistan in 2004.  For more information on the Pat Tillman Foundation, Pat’s Run, or the Tillman Scholarship, see:

Here’s a good article about a VUB program in Arkansas that explains the VUB federal Trio program very well: There are two VUB programs in Arizona serving the Northern region ( and the Southern region ( and most states have at least one pre-college program to help Veterans prepare for college success.  Please refer/share/join your local Veterans Upward Bound!

Tips for Job Seekers (including college grads and Veterans) are highlighted in this Huffington Post article:

Post-9/11 GI Bill celebrates its 4th anniversary, with almost 1 million service members and their families utilizing their education benefits.  See more at:

History buff?  The Smithsonian Institute’s National Museum of American History creates another milestone virtual project, which explores The Price of Freedom.  It’s educational for students of any age, for example, did you know more American soldiers have died in OIF/OEF/OND conflicts than in our War for Independence? Check out:

1 comment:

  1. This is the best tips that I learn on your blog. Thanks for posting it here because I need to know more on how to get a job since there was a lot of Australian job seeker that are finding their own job.
