Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Virtual Job Fair, Job Approach Tips, Computer Skills

Video highlight of the week: Ranger up.com (a veteran-owned business) has created a video about perfecting your approach to finding the right job at: http://youtu.be/Tvp_P4kJEEE

Hot off the press from our friends at Military.com: Vet Virtual Career Fair Aug 21, 2012
“Military.com and Monster are hosting a Veterans Virtual Career Fair on August 21st. It's free to join and you'll be able to communicate and engage with exhibitors and attendees in a collaborative virtual environment. Fast Track Your Military Experience to a Civilian Career. Get more details and register for the event now.
View a full calendar of Military Career Expos.
Visit the Military.com Veteran Career Center to search for jobs and get tips on your career and job search.
Translate your military skills, experience and training to find career opportunities that best align with your capabilities.
For more on AT&T and other organizations hiring veterans, see: http://www.military.com/jobs-in/employer/att/?ESRC=mr.nl

If you would like to expand your computer comfort level while you are searching for your perfect job, Northern Arizona VUB has openings in our fall free computer modules!  Contact www.yc.edu/vub or 928-717-7686 for eligibility/enrollment information.

1 comment:

  1. Computer is the best way to get education and at many places people get knowledge from computers and this kind of education in very interested.

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