Tuesday, August 16, 2016

DO YOU HAVE THE SKILLS? Student Success Workshop

Student Success Workshop
By Carol Beard

            Learning is a skill.  Different people have different levels of the skills needed for learning.  Veterans entering college typically have at least four years since they last used their academic learning skills on a daily basis.  This time gap can lead to rusty learning skills.
           But, there are programs available to help improve those skills!  Veterans Upward Bound provides training in basic skills like note taking, test taking, and time management.  The dedicated staff also provide training in math, science, and language arts skills.  And here’s the really cool part:  IT’S TOTALLY FREE!!

            Before the start of each academic semester at Yavapai College the Veterans Upward Bound staff hold a one day workshop for all qualifying veterans who would like a quick refresher to skills that students need to be successful in college.  The workshop is free and provides a wealth of information that students consistently say they wish they’d had before they started school.  Paper writing skills, time management and organizational skills geared towards college, and much more are offered during the day long session.

            The workshop is also offered at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University’s Prescott Campus, and at Northern Arizona University’s Flagstaff Campus.  The Veterans Upward Bound program serves all of northern Arizona and we hope to see you participating in our program before you begin college so that you have the skills to succeed!

Upcoming Student Success Workshops:

Yavapai College
Wednesday 8/17/16

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Wednesday 8/24/16

Northern Arizona University

Friday 8/26/16

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