Monday, April 1, 2013

Pets & PTSD, Rural VA Healthcare, Veterans Recovery Programs, Facebook Guidelines

Pets & PTSD are in the news a lot; here’s an ABC News video at: The VA is currently studying whether there is ‘science’ to back up the assertion that pets can help veterans recover or deal with their PTSD symptoms; if so, they may reimburse for costs of pet adoption, training, and veterinary care.  See the full story at:

Rural Veterans are an increasing percentage of those wanting to use VA Health Care, and telemedicine will help with specialty care at Community Based Outpatient Clinics and rural health providers.  Sign up for the free newsletter on Rural Healthcare and see the current issue of the newsletter at:

Stripes reports on a growing segment of athletic-based recovery programs for Veterans suffering from substance abuse, PTSD, and other health conditions – see the full article at:

The largest growing sector of Facebook users is the Baby Boomers – sometimes to connect with old friends, but often so they can catch up with the younger generation, literally.  Here are some guidelines for how not to be unfriended by your younger family members:  Remember that social media is viewed by potential employers too, so avoid posting or tagging anything that might embarrass yourself, friends or family in the employment arena.  If you're perplexed about these unspoken rules, check out:

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